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David Kushner - Humankind (Official Music Video)

2,686 vistas· 22/06/24
Fama Mundial
En Pop / indie

“Humankind” out now on all platforms: https://ffm.to/savehumankind

I met the devil Sunday morning
With his hands in the air
He blew his paycheck on
The plate that they were passing
He's testifying in the light
But he was heartless in prayer
He had the spirit and expensive taste in fashion

I'm the one that you came and slaughtered
You spin me around
I was looking for living water
You just let me drown
I put my faith in a sinners town
Land of the free chained to the ground

When I look for kindness now
Humankind just lets me down
Oh my heavens cussing me out
Humankind just lets me down

They lost the message in a bottle
Now it's covered in blood
They sell a saving just
To make a great commission
We love the ones who hurt us
And we hurt the ones that we love
We're sacrificing one another for tradition

I'm the one that you came and slaughtered
You spin me around
I was looking for living water
You just let me drown
I put my faith in a sinners town
Land of the free chained to the ground

When I look for kindness now
Humankind just lets me down
Oh my heavens cussing me out
Humankind just lets me down

When it's all
Said and done
I'm just a man
You're just a woman
So take my hand
I'm only human
I need you to take me

Humankind just lets me down

Director/Dp - Luke Shaw and Landon Juern
BTS Videographer - Eric Luna

Editor - Luke Shaw and Landon Juern
Colorist - Luke Shaw

Artist - David Kushner

Produced by: ALTAR8 Studio
Landon Juern - Director/DP | @landonjuern
Luke Shaw - Director/DP | @imlukeshaw
Zac Stanke - Steadicam | @Steadistanke
Luke Jamison - 1st AC | @Lukejamison_
Masih Ahmadzadeh - 1st AD ( 2nd day ) | @Cine.masih
Damon Nash White - Gaffer | @tron_boy_fresh
Yonel Cohen - Producer | @YonelCohen
Hudson Hopper - 1st AD ( 1st Day ) | @Hudhop
Babak Mansouri - Jib/Jib Operator | @Limitlessnow
Parker Jarvie - Colorist | @parkerjarvie
Ivan Cherepyuk - BTS Filmer | @Ivan.cherepyuk
Alex Roman - MUA | @alexromanmua
Rogelio Salinas - Crafty/PA | @rogeliocine
Ayla - Producer Assistant | @krystaalized
Danny Erb - Set Designer | @Dannyerb
Eric Moore - Leadman | @discboi
Montana Bertoletti - Set Dresser | @themontanagram
Jarret Fajardo - Sfx Makeup | @jarretfajardo
Morgan Jordan - Wardrobe Designer | @morgnjordn
Kaitlin Mattise - Wardrobe Assistant | @Kaitlin.Mattise
Jase Battiste - Paint Model | @Jasebattiste
Neva Leoncini - Girl in the Cloak | @Neva_leoncini
Alondra buccio - Casting Director | @Foureyescasting
Arno Hort - Black paint in Tub + Soldier | @arnohorn15
Brennan Weber - Soldier | @Brennanweber
Chris Archey - Soldier | @Chrisarchey
Jose Rosete - Soldier | @actorjoserosete
Andy Camberos - Soldier | @axxndyy
Andre J Rodriguez - Soldier | @andrejrodriguez
Cris Fantocone - Soldier | @crisfantocone
Reign Sotero - Soldier | @knowpainknowreign
Brandon Caraco - Soldier | @kingcaraco
JB Andre - Soldier | @Jb_andrade_
Harry Fakora - Soldier | @harryfakora
Chad McKinney - Aristocrat | @chad.mckinney
Jae Garcia - Soldier | @_jae_garcia
Andrew Forner - Soldier | @Andrew.j.forner
Daniel Flores - Soldier |
William Bennet - Soldier | @williamrmbennett
John Fantasia - Aristocrat
Amaya Morris - Civilian | @amayaaam3
Chase Roques - Soldier + Civilian | @chase_roques
Edgar Gizatullin - Civilian | @edgar_gizatullin_aliveman
Michael Shane - Soldier
Ray buffer - Aristocrat | @therealraybuffer
Neil Wachs - Aristocrat | @Neil_wa
William Sibley - Pastor | @Actorwilliamsibley
Jay Victor - Solider
Kateryna Arkhupova - Aristocrat | @katherine_kis.s
Trace Clark - Pursuants
Baron Nguyễn - Pursuants
Izzy - Pursuants | @Izzy_acting
Will Jandro - Soldier + Pursuants | @Willjandro
Michael Jovo - Pursuants
Benjamin Kmecheck - Pursuants | @spicychilydogs
Scott Hoffman - Commander | @rscotthoffman
Jamir - Soldier | @__corvo

David Kushner,
Sean Douglas,
Jeremy Dussolliet,
Timothy Sommers

Matthew Vietzke
Jon Taylor Sweet

Brent Shows, Emily Clark | ALTAR MGMT

Wells Williams

David Kushner Socials: https://linktr.ee/david.kushner

Miserable Music Group, LLC / David Kushner

Music video by David Kushner performing Humankind. © 2024 David Kushner, Miserable Music Group, LLC


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