
Fama Mundial
17,599 विचारों · 12 महीने पहले

stream&download: https://bfan.link/yummy-with-d....hurata-dora-stefflon
subscribe @INNA: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCr8RbU-D7iSvpy0ZO

INNA Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Inna
Instagram: https://instagram.com/inna
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/INNAOfficialSpotify
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/iTunesINNAOfficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/inna_ro
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inna
Official Website: http://innaofficial.com

Global Records Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalRecordsCom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GlobalRecords
Official Website: http://globalrecords.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalRecordsRO

Global Records Polska:

Concerts & Licensing:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Music: Alida Garpestad Peck, Rollo, Alexandru Cotoi, Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu, Stephanie Allen, Dhurata Dora, Denk, Tonic
Lyrics: Alida Garpestad Peck, Rollo, Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu, Stephanie Allen, Dhurata Dora, Denk, Tonic
Produced by: Alexandru Cotoi, Marcel Botezan, Sebastian Barac

Video Credits:
An NGM Creative video
Directed by: Bogdan Paun
Dop: Paul Tatcu, Alexandru Muresan
Production: Loops Production

INNA Beauty Team:
MUA: Anca Buldur
Hair: Adonis Enache, George Cozma
Styling: Domnica Margescu, Miruna Miu

Dhurata Dora Beauty Team:
MUA: Anca Buldur
Hair: Kaci
Styling: Miruna Miu

Stefflon Don Beauty Team:
MUA: @charlottecosmetics

©️ Global Records/54 London Limited/Dhurata Dora
℗ Global Records

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
#inna #globalrecords

Fama Mundial
11,080 विचारों · 12 महीने पहले

🔥Tu sombra me sigue, me lleva hacia ti
Mis ojos te ven aunque no estás ahí
Mentiría si digo que yo ya olvidé 🔥
Y yo sé que aún tus ojos me miran a mi

"YO" album OUT NOW! ▶️ https://inna.lnk.to/yoalbum

Concerts & Licensing:
[email protected]

[email protected]

Follow INNA:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Inna
Instagram: https://instagram.com/inna
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/INNAOfficialSpotify
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/iTunesINNAOfficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/inna_ro
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inna
Official Website: https://innaofficial.com

Global Records Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalRecordsCom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GlobalRecords
Official Website: https://globalrecords.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalRecordsRO

Roc Nation Latin Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RocNation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rocnationlatin
Official SIte: https://rocnation.com/

#inna #yoalbum #globalrecords #rocnation music: David Ciente, Apostoleanu Elena- Alexandra
Lyrics: Chiluiza Maria Cristina, Apostoleanu Elena-Alexandra

Orchestration: David Ciente
Produced & Engineered by: David Ciente
Mixed & Mastered by: Sergiu Mustata
Recorded at: Global Records

Directed by: Bogdan Paun (NGM Creative)
Produced by: Global Records
Production Company: Loops Production

℗ ©️ 2019 Global Records under exclusive license to Roc Nation, LLC

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.

Fama Mundial
7,138 विचारों · 12 महीने पहले

♪ Stream/Download: https://lnk.to/INNA_UP

▪ Subscribe to INNA: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCr8RbU-D7iSvpy0ZO

▪ Follow INNA:
Website: https://innaofficial.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/inna
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@inna
Facebook: https://fb.com/Inna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/inna_ro
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/INNAOfficialSpotify
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/iTunesINNAOfficial

▪ Global Records Online:
Instagram: https://instagr.am/GlobalRecords
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@globalrecords
Facebook: https://fb.com/GlobalRecordsCom
Website: https://globalrecords.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalRecordsRO

▪ Global Records Polska Online:

▪ Credits:
Lyrics: Minelli
Music: Minelli, Sebastian Barac, Marcel Botezan, Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu, Alex Cotoi
Produced by Alex Cotoi, Marcel Botezan, Sebastian Barac
Director: Bogdan Paun
DP: Paul Tatcu, Alexandru Muresan

• Booking:
[email protected]

• Licensing:
[email protected]

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel

©️ ℗ 2022 Global Records

#inna #up #globalrecords

Fama Mundial
688 विचारों · 2 वर्षों पहले

Stream x Download: https://holy-molly.lnk.to/ploua
SUBSCRIBE @ HOLY MOLLY: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCzdJryaKfOpxiH3kY

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holymolly.guacamolly/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@holymo....llyguacamolly?lang=e

Follow Tata Vlad:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/iamtatavlad
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAmTataVlad

Music: Florian Rus, Alexandru Radu (Chopin), Alex Cotoi, Holy Molly
Text: Florian Rus, Tata Vlad
Production: Alexandru Radu (Chopin), Alex Cotoi

Director: Isabella Szanto
DoP : Roberto Stan
Story: Bogdan Zamonea
Second unit: Ferran Mullor
Production: Loops Production
Producer : Roxana Vaduva

Booking & Licensing:
[email protected] | +40746 666 313
[email protected]


Și iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa
Și de umbra ta
Iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa de noi

Afară-i soare , da’ pereții se inundă
Din fotoliu nu mai văd nimic de nori
Mi s-a schimbat tot ceru’ parcă într-o secundă
Când oglinda iar m-a întrebat de noi
O să aflu unde e, după furtună
Iți promit că vine înapoi

Și iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa
Și de umbra ta
Iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa de noi

Peste 7 mări și 7 țări
S-aduc bani cât pentr-o casă cu 7 intrări…
Nu fi tristă, sunt eu supărat pentru amândoi,
Vin înapoi să-ți fac din nou ceru’ senin din ploi…
E dimineață și scrumiera dă pe-afară,
Încerc de-aseară s-omor doru’ cu fum de țigară…
Hotelu’ 5 stele, starea mea de una,
Ca lovit de fulger, mă gândesc la tine-ntruna…
Gândurile-n cap boom-boom-boom ca tunete,
Idei negre, ca o ploaie, vin rafale…
Te simt aproape, nu le las să mă agațe,
Mă-ntorc în curând cu soarele în brațe…

Și iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa
Și de umbra ta
Iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa de noi

Zi după zi cerul meu gri
Mă întreabă când o să vii
Gânduri cu tine în nor după nor
Se-anunță furtună de dor

Și iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa
Și de umbra ta
Iar plouă
Azi în mintea mea
E doar vreme rea
Iar plouă
Când mi-e dor așa de noi

#holymolly #tatavlad #Plouă #globalrecords

(C) & (P) 2022 Global Records & Casa Production

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.

Fama Mundial
67 विचारों · 2 महीने पहले

Stream & Download https://bfan.link/cheeky
Subscribe @INNA : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCr8RbU-D7iSvpy0ZO

INNA Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Inna
Instagram: https://instagram.com/inna
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/INNAOfficialSpotify
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/iTunesINNAOfficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/inna_ro
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inna
Official Website: http://innaofficial.com

Global Records Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalRecordsCom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GlobalRecords
Official Website: http://globalrecords.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalRecordsRO

Global Records Polska:

Concerts & Licensing:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Music: Iraida, Sebastian Barac, Alex Cotoi, Marcel Botezan, INNA, Sasha Tatiana Arriagada Gil (Sasha Wrist)
Lyrics: Iraida, Andrés Alcaraz, INNA
Production: Marcel Botezan, Alex Cotoi, Sebastian Barac

DoP: Paul Tatcu
Choreography: Maria Tarus
Edit: Andrei Radulescu
Production: Loops Production

Styling: Miruna Miu
Makeup: Yasmin Awad

Maria Hincu (Tarus)
Luana Chebeleu
Ruxandra Timoasca
Svetlana Vavilova
Vivienne Szentyobbi
Ciubotaru Iulia Corina
Rebecca Bumputu
Dutca Teodora
Toma Stefania
Gramada Ioana Alexandra

℗ ©️ 2024 Global Records

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
#inna #cheeky #globalrecords

Fama Mundial
30 विचारों · 2 वर्षों पहले

SUBSCRIBE @ Carla's Dreams Official YT: http://smarturl.it/CarlasDreamsYT

Romania: 0746666313
[email protected]

Carla's Dreams Online:

Global Records Online:

Muzica: Carla's Dreams, Sebastian Barac, Marcel Botezan
Text: Carla's Dreams
Productie: Marcel Botezan, Sebastian Barac, Carla's Dreams

Regizor: Roman Burlaca
DoP: Evgheniy Dedkov
Productie: BR Media Group

(C) & (P) 2020 #globalrecords

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube.

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.

Fama Mundial
13 विचारों · 2 वर्षों पहले

SUBSCRIBE @ Carla's Dreams Official YT: http://smarturl.it/CarlasDreamsYT
Jocul Free Fire poate fi descarcat aici: https://freefire.onelink.me/Io8U/carla

Romania: 0746.666.313
[email protected]

Carla's Dreams Online:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/1n5LD9Ar3D6RK2X2ew
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/it/art....ist/carlas-dreams/79

Global Records Online:

(C) & (P) 2022 #globalrecords

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube.

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.

Fama Mundial
6 विचारों · 2 वर्षों पहले

SUBSCRIBE @ Carla's Dreams Official YT: http://smarturl.it/CarlasDreamsYT

Romania: 0746.666.313
[email protected]

Carla's Dreams Online:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/1n5LD9Ar3D6RK2X2ew
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/it/art....ist/carlas-dreams/79

Global Records Online:

Muzica: Carla’s Dreams, Alexandru Turcu
Versuri: Carla’s Dreams
Productie: Alexandru Turcu, Carla’s Dreams

Regie: Valentin Bostan
DoP: Pavel Cojocaru
Productie: BR Films

#carlasdreams #ae
(C) & (P) 2023 #globalrecords

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube.

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.